Wednesday, April 29, 2009

lunch hour blog

This week's review: Grown Up Jobs

As I've mentioned, I started a new job this week. It's essentially the first position I've held that's required professional dress, conduct, hours, etc. While it's only day three, I felt it time for an evaluation. Granted, my sentiments most likely will change over the next few weeks/months and so a re-review just might be in order!
As I'm always a bad news first kind of gal *Side note: I actually eat my crust first so I can enjoy the rest of the bread pretending that it's deliciously crust free by nature* I'll start with the cons:
1. Getting up early. I'm so not a morning person.
2. Going to bed early. It's to facilitate con #1.
3. Fluorescent lighting.
4. No flip flops. Oh Birks! What will I do all summer without you!?

The pros:
1. The people are super nice.
2. The work is interesting and I feel like I'm contributing to something important.
3. Paycheque.
4. Free coffee. This one should really be at the top.
5. Business trips!

I'll take this as a running list. I'm sure each will grow considerably. For the meantime though, at least the pros outweigh the cons.

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