Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Feeling Hot...is Hot

It is insanely hot in Southwestern Ontario today and I have noticed many people commenting on the "feels like" temperature the weather reports always give you. I could not agree more that it does not make any bloody difference if they tell us its 31 if it "feels like" 41. For God's sake lets call a duck a duck here. If it feels like its 41 then its 41, people are melting and I am hot, cranky, irritable, and raging.
So my suggestion is that they do away with the actual temperature, as it is not providing us with any reasonable indication of anything, and simply tell us its 41 degrees and let us complain about that. We do not need 2 sweltering temperatures to contemplate as we get into our burning hot vehicles and yell at our spiteful air conditioning that we are convinced is trying to mess with us. We just need the 1 temperature. The REAL one.