Saturday, July 11, 2009

Comfortably Numb

I just watched the movie Knowing. I've been wanting to see this movie for a while given my A) deep, undying love for Nicholas Cage, and B) affinity for apocalypse movies. I'm not sure why I enjoy these movies so much because they always result in me A) freaking out, B) spending excessive time fact checking the plausibility of the claims made in the movie in question, and C) needing to spend significant time undoing the anxiety by distracting myself with various soothing activities. Tonight, after only limited fact checking (apparently the last significant solar flare was 20 January 2005), I've decided to spend some time online watching the things that make me happy. Ordinarily that involves the Nerdfighting Vlogbrothers ( Occasionally it involves a bit of classic Eddie Izzard ( As of tonight, it includes the lovely Julie Nunes, who has become my favourite youtube musician and cover artist.

Here's a super cover.

And an original.


huminbean said...

OK, she's ADORABLE!!!!!

I'm kind of in love. Also, the monologue about her sister's boyfriend?

She's very cute. How did you find her?

KMont said...

I know! I'm totally in love with her too! I actually saw one of her videos posted on a random blog that I stumbled across. As soon as I saw the first one I went to youtube and had to watch a bunch more. I think I love her because she's adorable and hilarious!

Janice said...

I love Julia Nunes too! I don't remember how I stumbled upon her, but her music rules, and she's a real treat to boot. Hurray! :)