If you've ever read or watched Anne of Green Gables, you can understand the weight of friendship. Finding a kindred spirit isn't something that happens ever day, and the older you get, the more difficult it seems to become.
I miss the days of elementary school, when sitting next to someone is really all it takes to strike up a friendship.
For me, an added challenge is my, shall we say, transient nature. I've recently re-located for the umpteenth time, and while I hope with all hopes that this city sticks (or rather, I stick to this city), it's hard not to look back and the friendships left behind along the way. This is not to say that I've abandoned all amigos with every move. No, the magic of social media makes that VERY difficult to accomplish...not that I've tried...*ahem* Still, there's something so valuable about being able to spend physical time with someone (not *that* kind of physical). It creates lasting bonds that Facebook and texting just can't match.
So, to my dearest friends, thank you. And if you really are my bosom friend, you'll know exactly what I mean.