Saturday, August 15, 2009

It killed the cat.

I'm a big fan of people watching. I'd like to say that it's because I'm curious, but I'm sure most people would just call it nosey. It's probably why I enjoyed being a lifeguard; getting paid to sit and observe as people disappear into their own little, wet worlds, oblivious to those on the towers being paid to keep them safe. Not that I'm trying to glorify the profession (job?) either, I mostly just scooped out band-aids and had small children throw up on me. Still, it's kind of a free pass for eavesdropping and casual observation.

Yesterday on the bus I did some people listening. One woman talked about how sad she is that her local department store no longer carries LA Gear shoes. Apparently, she used to buy herself a pair at the start of every summer. She liked her footwear as white and clean as possible, you see.

Another woman talked about the importance of lawn chairs in the summer. At $6.99 per chair she couldn't understand why they weren't available at her local pool, which instead required patrons to bring their own seats. Recently she witnessed people forced to take turns sitting in a broken chair (how preposterous!) due to the lack of provided seating.

I'm not sure why I enjoy indulging in my curiosity. I do know, however, that it does not have to be in vain. I often turn it into a creative writing exercise: I'll select an individual and create a backstory. Sometimes I'll write it down, giving them a name and an explanation for why they are where they are, doing what they're doing. Other times it'll remain in my mind with snippets about their personality and purpose. Confession: Almost everyone I encounter becomes a potential character. I don't know if that's creepy or creative, but I do know that it's all the makings of good fiction.

1 comment:

huminbean said...

hey Krista!

I like the random descriptions of people. Also, I totally agree that it's a great creative writing exercise - just describing what's around you, what you see and (over)hear, gets you writing and seeing how easy it is to write down reality. Then you start messing with it...