Last night I hosted a tapas themed get-together. Well, it originally started with tapas but my already lax definition continued to expand to accommodate any yummy ideas that sprang to mind. Some of the highlights were blue cheese stuffed cherry and grape tomatoes, pulled pork curry, rosemary and black olive focaccia, roasted garlic, and coriander cream. There weren't many leftovers so I consider the evening a success.
While Friday was a superb kick-start to the weekend, the real highlight for me lies at the 2009 Ottawa Folk Festival. Back in my undergrad days in Fredericton, New Brunswick, I was introduced to Joel Plaskett. Though I saw him as an opener for Sam Roberts, it was Joel who really made the ticket worthwhile. Since then I've seen him as often as possible in a number of cities throughout the Maritimes and Ontario. A few of his best (in my opinion) have even made their way onto my 'top fifty favourites of all time.' Enjoy!
I personally think the pulled pork was fantastic, and the roasted garlic with balsamic (dip? spread?) was superb.
"There weren't many leftovers so I consider the evening a success."
I like this! That's a good way to judge a party/food get-together.
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