Today I noticed that a girl at work and I are on the same pee schedule. After three run-ins in the washroom, I told her so. I didn't think it was that weird of something to point out. She, apparently, disagreed. Our conversation went something like this:
Me: (enter washroom and notice co worker washing hands)
"Hey! We're on the same pee schedule!"
Co-worker: (with confusion and discomfort)
Then she left. Now, maybe I'm just way too easily amused but if someone had pointed that out to me I would have reacted more "hey really? That's so hilarious! Well, enjoy your pee! See you here in bit!" But that's just me.
Maybe she's one of those people who has performance anxiety... let me guess, she avoided you and/or the bathroom the rest of the day?
~ Nicolina
Haha, she'll probably start going to other floors to use the bathroom!
Well some people just have no sense of humour....I shall call her Vanilla.
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