So I applied for an internship with this slightly sketch bag publishing house just cause I need some experience badly. You see you cannot get a job in this industry without first suffering your way through an internship. So I got an interview, which I thought went very well and thought my chances were pretty good. Then I received an e-mail letting me know that they had chosen another person who had more experience and had done several other internships previously. Now I am not sure if this is just me being crazy but is an internship not designed to allow noobs (please excuse my gaming terminology) to get some experience and then get a real job?
So if this person has done 3 or 4 internships previously shouldn't they maybe have enough know how at this point to get a real job that pays more than $10 an hour? I thought so.
So to the internship junkie that can't get enough of doing mediocre work for even more mediocre pay I say....get a life, get a real job, and please give someone else a chance.
To the jackasses that labeled this employment opportunity an "internship", lets just call it what it is shall we.....a really shitty paying job that involves a lot of work for someone that refuses to move on to bigger and better things.
In conclusion, I guess I will need to get an internship to get an internship to get an intership....you just can't win.
I hear ya! You could always go back to that unpaid editorial internship (and I use the term 'editorial' loosely). I mean, if you're not getting paid, you might as well not be doing work, eh? :) P.S. I hear the site is being launched again. What is that now? THREE LAUNCHES??
can you even call it a "launch" at this point....she is such a tool I would like to punch her at her million dollar T-Hole loft.
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