Sunday, July 5, 2009

100 Mile Challenge

Recently I watched the 100 mile challenge show (found here Watch! It's great!) and I found it interesting, inspiring, and definitely something I'd like to try. Basically the idea is to eat locally, within a 100 mile radius of where you live. There are a number of different ideals to go along with this challenge; avoiding processed foods, supporting local economy, cutting down on the carbon emissions from food transportation, etc. Really, the list could go on and on. Personally, I'm interested taking the challenge for two reasons: A) to adopt back-to-basics, cooking from scratch methods, and B) to truly take advantage of the local, seasonal produce that's available. Ultimately, the timing is right. It's summer and the markets are full of local farmers. Plus almost everything I need is in walking/riding distance.

So, as of today, I'm officially taking the 100 mile challenge. I've decided to go about 80%. I'll do 100% local vegetables, eggs, and dairy, and TRY for local meats as much as possible. I'd love to be able to go all the way but I am constrained by work hours and my bicycle-only transportation methods. I'm also only going for two weeks. I feel that two weeks is an attainable goal. Any longer than that is a bit overwhelming. Of course, I'll be open to extending the challenge, based on how well it goes.

I've also given myself the exception of using up the existing perishable, non-local food in my fridge. That means a morning in the kitchen for me! Banana bread with yogurt icing is on the list and I have yet to decide how to use up the other random ingredients. As for my first 100 mile meal, I'll be heading to the market this afternoon and I'm hoping to make stuffed peppers and roasted potatoes.

Wish me luck!


Anonymous said...

I'm really interested in the local food movement as well- Windsor just opened a farmers market downtown, and I'm going to try to visit before I move. Read The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan if you havn't already- it's about him tracking different food 'systems', like industrial, industrial organic, local, and hunter-gatherer.

Leah Bean said...

Cool! Good luck with it hon, and I look forward to reading more about your self-challenge.