Saturday, May 9, 2009

Mark My Words

This week I saw into my future. I met with the office copyeditor to discuss my first editing assignment of the summer. It. Was. Awesome. I am happy to report that editing ability is up to par, for someone with limited experience, that is. I was also anointed a "word nerd," a term I PROUDLY accept. It's highly reassuring to know that there does exist a career path with individuals of our experience, education, and passion. I'm looking forward to diving into more copyediting over the next few months. I'll be sure to keep y'all posted if the novelty wears off.


In other news, last night I attended a concert that I was very much looking forward to. It was highly disappointing. The first opener? Awesome. The second act? Awesome. The headliners? Ummmmm....Uhhhhhh..... I DIDN'T EVEN SEE THEM.

Okay, maybe I'm over reacting, I can admit that it's a possibility. Here's what happened: It was a late show and although the first two acts were enjoyable, the set up times in between acts was just too lengthy. The venue itself was appropriately dingy, hot, and crowded. The crowd was a satisfying mix of twenty somethings; hippies, hipsters, randoms, etc. There were pockets of douchebags, which is tolerable. There was no one who looked like they belonged at a dance club, which is a relief. (I must avoid that tangent for now. I promise, it will arise again in the future at which time it will be properly addressed.) The problem started during the wait for the lead act (King Khan and the Shrines). We waited for about a half hour of set up before we heard some of the musicians take the stage and begin to don their instruments. Of course, those sounds generally indicate the final minutes of musical count down so the crowd began to accumulate in front of the stage. It was dense, but that's to be expected. The last King Khan show I attended erupted into a mosh pit; not the best situation for someone of my vertically challenged stature. Still, I expected to enjoy a few tunes and then step aside when the crowd became too rowdy. Unfortunately the tunes never came. I'm not sure what the deal was but the backup musicians stood awkwardly on stage, randomly strumming, honking, tapping their instruments for another half hour. At this point the crowd was super restless; some jerks were chanting, others were clapping, but mostly there was just pushing, elbowing, kneeing, and sweating. That was enough for me. You know what King Khan? I may like your music, but your stage etiquette BLOWS. It's an insult to be made to wait without explanation while your band has indicated that the show should begin. DISAPPOINTED.

Fortunately, the night ended on a high note: poutine! There's really no situation that poutine cannot improve.


Slyons said...

poutine is a simultaneous affront to all 5 senses, as well as the sixth sense - the sense of self preservation. I suspect that its creation was a Quebec separatist ploy to kill anglo Canadians with cholesterol.

(but it is pretty tasty).

KMont said...

Poutine sings my siren song- self preservation be damned! :)