Saturday, May 30, 2009

Would you like a bag with that?

Although I no longer live in TO, I was beyond thrilled to hear the news about the goal for 70% waste reduction of plastic bags by 2012. I also don't want to be a spokesperson for Indigo/Chapters as I will remain an adamant supporter of our locally owned neighbourhood bookstores, but I feel compelled to mention that Indigo has made a commitment to use the newly instated $0.05 bag fee for the Indigo Environmental Fund. The fund serves to further forest conservation through the support of a number of not-for-profit environmental organizations that promote sustainable forest management and effective use of forest resources. Although it's just a drop in the bucket, I was happy to see that they'd started the fund with a $10,000 donation to the Canadian Boreal Initiative. So, well played Indigo. Well played indeed.

In barbecue news, I attended one last night. While it was deliciously traditional with burgers, potato salad, ketchup chips, and the unique addition of chorizo (which I'd previously only ever had in paella), I did something personally un-traditional and something for which I'm deeply ashamed... I purchased dessert.... Ugh, this might be a ridiculous regret for y'all to be reading about but if there's one thing I love, it's cooking for others. Picking up some two-bite brownies and mini frozen cheesecake things (which were delicious, by the way) is fine if you can't cook but I just never feel right about buying something that I'm perfectly capable of making. I guess I the other factor is that I was meeting some new people and I don't think store-bought brownies are the impression that accurately sums me up. Still they were all very fun and friendly. I even received the French-Canadian two cheek kiss in greeting and in parting! I'm thinking I'll do some culinary penance this weekend and bake a few loaves of bread. That'll prove I can rise to the occasion. Get it? Rise? Like bread dough?

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