I really enjoy a specific breakfast spot but do not enjoy their ridiculously overpriced meals that I am sure actually cost a tenth of what I get charged. ***cough----Cora's---cough**
So in the interest of saving my broke, student loan paying, under wage paid self I decided to reverse engineer one of my favorites of the bank breaking breakfast nook. See what happens when you work in the Engineering Dept.
I have been making this item repeatedly for about a month and think I have figured it out.
**WARNING: this item is not suggested for those with high cholesterol, those trying to watch their waist line, or those that do not seriously love a whole lot of egg action**
Erica's Poorman's Egg-stravaganza:
3 - Eggs
2- Slices of bread (white, whole wheat, raisin...whatever you like...shake it up)
1- Slice of Swiss Cheese (may I suggest Emmental...its got more kick)
2-Slices of Black Forest Ham
a dash- of Cinnamon
Cooking it:
1. Beat 2 eggs in a bowl; add the cinnamon to the eggs
2. dip the bread in the eggs
3. ok we are making french toast here so you get it...butter the pan to all hell and start to make french toast.
4. When the french toast is nearly cooked fry up the remaining egg (I would suggest breaking the yolk so that its pretty flattened and all mixed together) **but not scrambled**
5. Place fried egg, ham slices, and swiss cheese on top of french toast slice and top it with the other piece of french toast.
6. Now, in the spirit of grill cheese, let the cheese melt and the french toast crisp up on each side.
Now enjoy your heart attack inducing indulgence.....LOVE IT!