So I have been doing some contract work from home, which I LOVE cause I can work in my pajamas. However, I have a problem with staying up until 3 am and then getting up at like 10am or 11am. Now I am getting as much sleep, if not less, than the reg working Joe but I am taking more flack for this. What is so wrong with staying up until 3 am and then getting up at 10 or 11. Why do people give me that look if I ever mention it. Its not like I get up eat cereal out of a punch bowl in clothes I have been wearing for 4 days and then turn on Springer.... I get up, eat a well balanced breakfast, and get right to work. Ok there may be a short Warcraft intermissions in there but that's just good sense...you get a coffee break don't you?
So basically I am more pleading my case then discussing my endeavors. In conclusion I get up at 11 so stop hating on me. : )
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